Saturday, October 30, 2010
Does A Reptile Or A Mammal Consume More Oxygen
The whole world lies in
if you know you watch and learn ...
... the door is open and key in his hands
nothing can give or that key and open the door ...
... except yourself. Krishnamurti
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Companies Like Jibjab
Nobody chased the plane had left the Democratic president and there was no alarm. But all was quiet, because there was a note by the President in explaining the reasons for his resignation. Everything was ready to hit on 25, but the presidential palace was full of journalists and politicians. Too outrageous. In these circumstances, Roberto Micheletti rose to power, a transition government called him a few. How do you call it coup d'etat if he became president was a civilian, the president of the National Congress?
has been over a year, but in Honduras the situation has not changed. Some will say that elections were held. But the Hondurans did not vote, those involved have been escorted by soldiers with machine guns, there was no international observers or have never known the actual results of how many people went to the polls. As if this were not enough, Porfirio Lobo was chosen. Interestingly, the same political party Micheletti, the "government of transition." One day after the coup, the OAS (Organization of American States) Honduras expelled, and the UN also showed their aversion. However, all but the OAS appear to have left his conscience after the election. Moreover, the United States seem to agree with the legality of the new government .
Today, in Honduras, they send the same military that carried out the coup. With a subtle difference: el general Pérez, pongamos por caso, se hace llamar Licenciado Pérez. De este modo queda demostrado que es un civil- como ven, un “falso” civil- y por tanto un gobierno civil nunca puede ser ilícito.
Afortunadamente el pueblo hondureño no se rinde. Un 80% de la población es pobre, las maquilas inundan el país y aproximadamente 10 familias dominan el país. Pero la Resistencia continúa la lucha. El periodista hondureño Bartolo Fuentes es un ejemplo de ello. Estuvo ayer en la Universidad de Zaragoza y fue la voz de un pueblo que todos se empeñan en callar. ¿Y si no, por qué la resistencia al gobierno de Porfirio Lobo, que ha reunido más firmas que votos consiguió this president does not deserve any headlines in the media around the world? They dress of democracy, but verging on dictatorial and oligarchic system. In this Central American country there are only 4 newspapers and their owners are the same ones that control the maquila, ie, everything.
journalists exercise in Honduras, in the pure sense of the word, is up against a bullet or an arrest. Just allow them to act as scribes, ie literally have to write that politicians and opinion leaders say. However, far from leaving them the option of telling the truth. Expressing the truth and help workers is trying to Honduras Labor The working environment where Bartolo Fuentes.
As we say, being a journalist is a profession of risk in Honduras. Being in the resistance itself that constitutes a risk. Are constant threats, anonymous calls, and some other shock to warn of the danger of telling the truth. Since the coup, ten journalists have been killed leaving work at a corner. Malicious bullets that crossed the path of freedom of expression, in the way of truth. Bartolo Fuentes himself has been arrested twice, and the brutality of the facts are not imagined or exaggerated. Do we need 6 police to arrest one man while makes use of freedom of expression?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Why Is Fakku Down Is It Just Me Or Is Fakku Down?
That is the routine?
Act repetitive.
If I do the same days and days there comes a time when it becomes a routine then if it gives us pleasure or sadness, we started to realize that something is not normal, because we condition ourselves to live as long as the same manner as if it were a machine ...
Then we can define the routine as a condition that creates the human mind to automatically live the same way as does a TV or any type of machine that always does the same bone that is limited to what it is.
I say then that we if we choose to live with an almost routine are a machine and this is not living this way because we are not free to understand the difference between living and being a person repeatedly say for example that as we learning new things that fascinates us and give us joy going there a change taking place in us every day and a different lifestyle where one is free.
If I let go of the routine I am a slave, but if not I'm free, I mean that our mind is at peace and begin to learn from the limitations that we live day to day. Are we
machines we use routines?
routines do not use animals only live as well as all living things.
Then we need to have routines when we can do thousands of things change when a machine is programmed to do only one task.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Monster Energy, Corona, Ca
When one is free from all thought everything is produced without effort, wishes come true and nothing is what prevents bone that the ego is not there.
The more we strive for something more far we are from that because we do not understand how it works when wishes but most of the time when we give up the desire is met as if by magic, the ego is striving for wanting something then this is no longer the path is free for all begins to exist.
The ego is the whole movement of thought is to think, analyze, divide, etc and makes up the entire network of our psychological problems that lead us day by day what we are.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Akiho Yoshizawa Teacher
That is the change? That is really changed? We live
thinking the same thing day after day giving the past a chance to guide our lives. Without seeing what is really the past without knowing the whole inside of it. We learn from that we are small what is right and what is wrong, when we laugh as they mourn. Learning how to be better than another and love as hate ... And as
we grow depending on how we present the life we \u200b\u200bbegin to see the world with a totally different perspective to others. Began to form ideas without knowing that if we go deeper to the end we see that they are illusions ...
But we believe in the ideas and take them as true, putting all our efforts do not really see what we're doing. Only blinded us to satisfy our ego. Which is our brain that we use every day to live. The ego is what makes us suffer, not seeing reality, individualized search for a goal, be who we are, adapting a belief system without really seeing because you need it ...
Then we say that to live this way we divide each other. Hoping that the division expects to find security thinking ...
When security really means a state of mind in which there is no conflict.
That is a mind free from desires, ambitions and ideales.Ya that in seeking these things are always conflict. Not only need to see how one divides with another person but also that we expect more of ourselves and never got it. If we delve into what you want and begin to ask questions to ourselves we realize that every thought we think about every day is a total illusion.
Then we can ask:
Because we have an identity and each of us has his own desires?
Perhaps this unites us? Happens when this way of thinking has created a society?
Because we get angry? Repressed because we do not like?
That's what happens when one has ideals and fight for what you believe to understand that right?
So when we begin to understand the truth ... the most important question is
Why are we here? but we started to realize, what is the sense of living forever with the way we think.
Since we want to indicate that there is a way to live without ...
a single effort, either physically or psychologically.
thinking in the division expects to find safety.
Security implies a state of mind in which there are no conflicts.
thinking in the past is being limited.
The pensamiendo still limited, as the reaction of the past ...
must be provided under any circumstances, limited ...
Can you see this "I" which has been created by thought ...
... observe it without introducing the movement of thought in that observation?
And so the thought is limited and can not solve any problem. Silence is
full attention. That attention is complete
all the energy you have with all your mind and heart.
That's attention.
Ego adapting the pattern of another ego ......
security exists only when there is no division. Realize
quietly observe without choice it is.
In that realization, the problem unfolds ... and then understood in its entirety.
When we begin to realize that each of us is as guilty as the ambitions that destroys everything in his way. Perhaps
look the other way because it affects us directly?
Monday, October 18, 2010
3221wn Manfotto Tripod Owners Manual
do we say:
"I can or I can not
" I want or do not want
"All right or wrong
" I accept or not accept, approve or disapprove
I see or not see
"I think or not think
One way to understand why we say these words in our lives is
for example when we are in doubt and say something, or whether or not there
tndriamos to ask because we doubt?
and thinking is because we are afraid,
But fear?
... maybe afraid to come out right or wrong, but what sense does that
What's the point?
not make any sense because what happens is you have to spend
That's what happens and what is the relationship with doubt?
What happens is perfectly manifested that there is no doubt but because if we say that if it happens it has to happen because
doubt doubt?
beforehand because we want to know the future or because in the past and we were wrong and we do not do well, but somehow if it happened because they did not give importance to this question.
Because we do not doubt anything that might happen if they succeed on that?
is that if you already transcended on a particular experience and no trial or fear of what might happen and we are not afraid because we know we are so connected with the situation, and therefore do not need security.
not need security?
is that if we seek security is to be associated with doubt, takes us back to the focus of fear and as we begin to ask how I have to wait?, As needed?, I hope you do well ...
Ways of questions that show?
Si uno le busca la vuelta a estas preguntas vienen de la mano de la duda ya que no sabemos nada sobre lo que pueda pasar y queremos saber.
Como uno sabe realmente que es lo correcto?
Seria cuando uno deja de lado no pensando en eso como una conducta a llevar sino que lo haces porque asi tiene que ser, y ves como se desarrolla la accion en tu alrededor supongamos cuando vamos hacia algun lado y decimos si pierdo esto ya no tendre otra oportunidad(pero mejor dicho seria necesito esto), entonces como que la union se hace perfecta y todo se encamina para ayudarte.
Todo fluira
y sin esfuerzo se dara
osea el sin esfuerzo
es toda una interpretacion
porque no significa no hacer nada
q q means it will come without effort a
kiere q no q do not have an effort!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Some Black In My Stool
When a person says I want to be positive is somehow porq aq afraid it goes wrong, then you start believing everything has q q be positive but not understand the mechanism to get things, then q what you used all the positive efforts goes wrong we started to realize that you're not sure. Since
whether positive thinking is being afraid of the negative.
The only way that all do well is no expectation bone being neither positive nor negative rather be free of thought. So
make everything happen without effort vos fijate that everything in the world works effortlessly x example your whole body.
If you can not have expectations of what you do want it reaches q instead becomes endless when you feel you put your expectations marrow positive or negative to get there becomes limited.
Respiration Germinating Peas
The latent errors are always repent. Arreepentirse wrong because it is your mind telling you: this is good and this is wrong, so if you see because there are things you accept and things no ... we started to see all the cosas.Por example, if the good and bad that you leave it to accept in your life you'll make more off every day and you know who you really are.
So if you regret what makes you live your life and creating it around this error, the best thing you can do is learn and observe so it bypassing what one says this is fine and this is wrong.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sweaters Gir Invader Zim
Because when we have something, we want more and go toward it without looking at the consequences.
But we can not stand where we are, then we want the best for one, and when we start the activity of the q want what's best we realize that the price is much more expensive ... as if life were to say this is what you have to go and we else is like asking us what anehlado charges. We live
feel bad wanting to be better as we would know what is best, but in reality do not see the point where we are, we just want to go to another site thinking it will be better and when we realize that is peor.Como understand why.
As we learn to know why we are now where we are, in common sense terms that we would be locked in a cage but it will be that we lock ourselves unconsciously and we accept it in every way possible, or q we deserve this place and do what we do not go anywhere.
if we start to analyze what is the reason of why I'm here today can say that no change will only continue and we like where we are then, when we do something like that everything happens to favor what we are doing then there always started understand that arises essentially within us and once again accept what we are.
started to believe that there is no change then we accept the idea that we deserve what we live that is fine, that's when it gets stronger but we do not want to believe in and if we live that will change that happens .. . We imagine
dream something that does not exist and therefore it is an illusion that if we clearly see is a subtle way to support the idea that there is no change because if we can not change, you should create an illusion so at least we feel better.
After thinking about what the problem is we began to realize that it is not guilty of anything or anyone but to accept our fault and not see things clearly, so then we reinforce the idea that nothing will change not serve in any way positive or negative as they come to hand we can only begin to study ourselves.
understand whether we always do the same and if we begin to see beyond that we realize that something happens as if we were to grow a tree that is becoming harder with the idea that we're right when in fact quite the opposite.
starting to see where this one now you get closer to the truth only completely that in judging or thinking of ideas is impossible to change because it all comes back to become what can only escape when there is no barrier we can say that to judge or think prevents us from escaping.
As we do not judge themselves, and understand why where we are and get away from it?
The judge is like a nuisance for us.
Understanding is to see what is causing the problem.
The escape is the freedom and success.
An example could be for example when a raindrop falls from the sky then we see that no one falls down only judge or bone itself has no problem is free and if the view is so easy to understand that what he does.
Everything in nature happens in the same way no judge or analyze anything, imagine what would happen if a work of art or a beautiful song to the author would think of as you create it in your head ideas to improve it and carefully analyze every step of what he does ... what would happen ... would be obvious that not many would conduct because conflicts, so many ideas and desires would say ... not until I know I start to do.
The perfect solution would not be an answer but rather be free like a drop.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Homemade Wireless Xbox Controller Receiver For Pc
Both the Popular Party as the Aragonese have shown their dissatisfaction with the lack of transparency by the Director of Economics at the presentation of the Economic and Financial Plan approved by the central government. This plan calls for increasing regional debt of 0.75 points to 2.50 points of GDP due to the current economic situation. This action plan will run until 2012, but due to demand from the EU for Spain to reduce the debt by 2013, the plan is amended in the coming years.
All parties have agreed on good organization of public finances in recent years, but since 2009 have reduced income because of the crisis. Aragonese Council has shown its displeasure by declining revenue and has proposed increasing personal income taxes for higher income taxpayers rather than increase taxes (indirect taxes paid by all people equally.)
Despite all this, the government has highlighted the situation of Aragon from the rest of Spain. Aragon's Borrowing below the national average.
How Much Is A Raw Diamomd
Cortes de Aragón
Even the presence of 60 students makes them behave like any citizen, ignorant, confident in its leaders think which is not only normal, but the logical and what is expected of them.
The feeling in the pit where we were placed, after serious warning silent and not show our opinions out loud (no clapping, no booing ...), is total outrage. We demand respect. And the show, but it is surprising how little they are respecting the other members of the partner to appear at that time, first, second, to themselves - after touch them appear and hear the same buzz that makes them that raise his voice despite the microphone, and finally and most importantly, being met recently to all citizens who voted for them and that their taxes pay their (non mileuristas) wages.
Laughter (when the speech is so serious that it is impossible to provoke a laugh alone), deputies standing, pacing, talking, using laptops, mobile phones, commenting non-stop with their seat mates. Commenting and charreadas to the extent that the murmur becomes background music whenever the volume goes higher, forcing the shift that has the word to raise his voice.
However, a member of the Press Office of the Courts the excuse. It turns out that the strike is the latest chapter in long hours of work, the topics covered have been discussed in committees in which all pay a high attention. Let's hope so. If not, it is difficult to think that our politicians will solve our problems with attitudes like the ones seen in this plenary.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Birth Control Walk In Mississauga
today we tried, we tried to go back almost 40 years ago, and not do it alone, but from the hand of our classmates.
relatare I will not trip in detail, I will summarize by saying that we tried to return to the Transition, to explain and make the exposure of a group effort, we wanted it to be enjoyable and in turn liked. We have been investigating for half an hour.
Escribirmos here to stir up debate, but the fact is that class has been very lively and has not missed participation. Are a few brief lines to try to reflect on the effects of the Transition, "a democracy deficit? Not enough? Conformity? "Passivity? "Success?
After a few minutes, not a few of debate we have not come to one conclusion. Transitional there for whom English is a world leader as far as transitions are concerned, others do not understand that conformism and consider that there was no break but rather a "continuation" and some believe that the fact that victims would not make it a success.
Bottom line? No one, in the same way that we have a consensus view. A colleague pointed out, or has requested, that is our generation, because we already have that certain temporal perspective to analyze the transition, who have to defend and fight for progress towards a higher quality democracy. No middle ground so to speak. And wait.
Maybe we can be answering questions when we see that in the next s sudece weeks with the complaint of Judge Garzon, with the development of corruption, or some of the many conflicts and social injustices existenes.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Red Wine And Heart Palpitations The Next Day
JESUS \u200b\u200b DUVA
Enrique Flores ES
The truth, d is that I can not give an overall assessment of Congress since n or followed. I can only or talk about the round table we had on sport in which I participated. I was really comfortable in the room. I enjoyed listening to my colleagues, I liked to enter into debate with the room and saw that those in the seats had a real interest in getting one thing clear during those two days of Congress. I did not like some of these harsh criticisms launched on Twitter, Blogs and other social networks to what we were saying on stage during the presentation. Not criticism but because this was the moment to raise his hand and instead of writing a tweet to talk openly about what they liked and did not like. For that we traveled there, if we could not have left a digital meeting and would have been the same. But the truth is that Congress is well worth, although I prefer to go from listening to a speaker.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Quadriderm Cream For Face
Normal We interviewed several brothers from different places (Zaragoza, Calatorao, Illueca and Huesca) to know what their motivations. Here are the answers:
Adrian Sancho (Brotherhood Our Lady of Mercy and the Holy Sepulchre):
From childhood I have always liked processions, had a friend in the guild in touch now and decided to get me too. Javier
Bandak (Guild Minerva Calatorao Blood of Christ)
enter because you like the drum, but when you're inside, everything is different, you start to see the Easter differently, loving what do.
Claudia Hernández (Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy
The motivation was my grandmother, because when I was little always remembered dressing up for Easter and I liked the drums. So I signed up, the first carrying a candle and went with her and with the passage of time gave me sign up to play the drum and it took 10 years.
Daniel Aresté (Brotherhood of the Holy Grail of Huesca)
Because I love music and I decided to sign to a brotherhood of drums of Easter.
Adrian Sancho (Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy and the Holy Sepulchre)
My favorite moment is leaving La Piedad on Holy Thursday at 12 pm. Javier
Bandak (Guild Minerva Calatorao Blood of Christ)
The Good Friday procession of the Santo Entierro. Step out of bed, is at night and people are going with candles and lights. People just talk and so is the emotional.
Claudia Hernández (Brotherhood Our Lady d and
The moment I'm in the square
Daniel Aresté (Brotherhood of the Holy Grail of Huesca)
Holy Thursday, the breaking of the time Almudevar. We met there six or seven fraternities. At twelve o'clock you put all the guilds in the town square, the clock, and when twelve o'clock noon all guilds play the same touch to ... I dunno, twenty or twenty minutes.
Adrian Sancho (Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy and the Holy Sepulchre)
rehearsed approximately two months before Easter, but there are only 3 days trial week. And the last two weeks before Easter rehearse every day
Javier Bandak (Guild Minerva Calatorao Blood of Christ)
We usually try three or four months, one day to be
mana. And when there is little for Easter redouble efforts and rehearse twice a week for everything to be perfect.
Claudia Hernández (Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy
started rehearsing at Christmas, play two hours a week at night. If even one and a half for Easter we were also every Saturday afternoon for a couple or three hours.
Daniel Aresté (Brotherhood of the Holy Grail of Huesca)
From mid October to Easter.
Adrian Sancho (Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy and the Holy Sepulchre)
1192 Brothers (and I thought that was only 2) [laughs]
Javier Bandak (Guild Minerva Calatorao Blood of Christ)
The Brotherhood is distinct sections: the base of the Nazarene, the bed, drums, boxes and horns ... In all, the Brotherhood is formed by about 300 people. Instruments are playing a
30, but the beginning, when the guild was formed 9 years ago, we were 100. Thus, every brother is a member of the Brotherhood, and you can do the job you want (take steps, playing an instrument or just help you stay and endure the Brotherhood expenditure). In addition, each section has a few different colors, and the hoods only we who play an instrument, either horn, drum or box.
Claudia Hernández (Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy
We are about 25 with drums and bass, about 30 people carrying candles and 10 bearers that lead to a virgin.
Daniel Aresté (Brotherhood
the Holy Grail of Huesca)
Fifty-three drums, boxes and drums as part of those who leave and those who are accompanying the transition.
Brotherhood of the Holy Grail of Huesca
Guild Minerva Calatorao Blood of Christ
Monday, March 29, 2010
How Much Does It Cost To Install A Cloakroom
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1 To 30 Multiplication Chart
" The jury monitoring posts at the XI Congress of Digital Journalism has unanimously agreed to award the prize to Paula Zubiaur Chalmeta for his work on the blog The prize is a trip to Madrid for two to visit various media.
The jury also decided to give the blog "" Juan José Benedí Esteban, and "" by Laura Larriba Moors, two citations for his work that will allow them to attend as guests to the 2011 edition of the congress. "
From here, insomnia and brown ink want to congratulate the winner of cocurso: for his blog and the work done. And of course we want to congratulate Digiperiodismo and Nibs, Congratulations! We are very pleased that 12 of our colleagues have been awarded. Good work!