Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Red Cocktail Dresses Under 50


Management Board of the "Athenaeum" Tarsis Republican "

A representation of the Ateneo del Campo de Gibraltar, moves to Puerto de Santa Maria, to attend the inauguration of a new Republican Ateneo.

The past day and invited by the manager of the new University of Puerto de Santa Mary, a Republican representing the Ateneo del Campo de Gibraltar (ARCG) has moved to this town arc Bay of Cadiz, to attend the inauguration of a new University. One more over the province of Cadiz, brewing the creation of new venues, like the one just up in this city.

The event began with a presentation to about fifty people gathered for the purpose of his members of the authority which will govern the destinies of this new partnership, which comes from the hand of the partner and coordinator of the Arc of the Bay of Cadiz Carmelo Ciria, besides the representation of the Campo de Gibraltar met among others, the Athenian Republican _ SANFERNANDO Puerto Real (Cádiz)
"No we are the wreckage, but Republicans present. This new Ateneo Republican, wants to convey to the general public, the illusion of being a meeting meant for all people who want to build a Spain more plural, more democratic and salvage values \u200b\u200bof republicanism "in the words of its president Carmelo Ciria.


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