How I love Spring! How spring like my neighbors! Come to the courtyard is a delight. The days get longer, the temperature is pleasant and that makes for gatherings of my neighbors also extend in front of a coffee, a drink of clear water or even a beer. In this last debate there is always the best. It is already known: Eugene, Palas de Rei, recites the virtues Estrella Galicia a ; Paco, Murcia to Lorca, no, no, that Estrella Levante , Joseph, bajoaragonés love with his drum and his wife (I never dared to ask what order), do not take out an Amber , and of course, whatever you discuss with Pepe, who lived to be sixteen years in the neighborhood of La Macarena "yeah man, you're going to compare my Cruzcampo fresh!". Even I try, it's hard sometimes to get a word "eh, here we have The Damm, fotem not!, Or even Moritz or Glops , which además es de LH!”. Como se puede comprobar hay cierta “bierdiversidad”. En fin, así son las tertulias del patio: llanas, sencillas, sinceras, acaloradas muchas veces pero siempre, siempre, amigables y con el sentido común que tienen todos mis vecinos, que es mucho y bueno.
Y con ese sentido común, Paco nos explicaba el curioso momento que está viviendo su empresa. Lo que está ocurriendo y lo que nadie con dos dedos de frente entiende, dice Paco. Paco trabaja en una empresa con sede en todas las comunidades autónomas y su jefe, ha propuesto en la zona del Levante un ascenso a un “tipejo” (dice Paco que lo es) que no contento con utilizar the company car, changed the furniture, and brought home as a business expense. Obviously, it was learned quickly through the company's internal newsletter, which was put together breaks loose as everyone remembered that such a character was to blame for their mismanagement of a cut which led to the arrest of colleagues. In short, everyone knows, including the head, the "candidate" is a "pearl", but what Paco says: "O my boss is incompetent or is a wimp."
We all agree that if Paco is incompetent leader should leave office and if what happens is fear, almost worse, because ... "Fear of what? Who? and above all why?
Something similar happens to Don Mariano, who is delighted with all candidates, even though many of them are suspects in corruption cases. Don Mariano should think about whether those packets that carries in his wallet he will be fine for that trip is scheduled, with final scenario in the Oval Office of the Moncloa. I think not.
If Don Mariano wants to be a great leader and a great statesman, the first thing to do is to really respect the judiciary. you remove the corrupt Don Mariano. Do not support, Don Mariano, candidates who mock the institutions and its citizens after choricear and choricear and above all, remember for the future, Don Mariano, that "of these powders, this sludge." Of course, you already have a quagmire at home. Poor!
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